December 2016 resonates to the energy of the number 3. As a
“3” month, we can expect December to bring with it feelings of fun,
socialization and creativity. This will be a holiday season where we welcome
that festive connection with others, and embrace opportunities to come together
and celebrate our many blessings.
Be aware however, that with this more positive “3”energy-attitude,
there is the risk of over-indulgence in all areas of our lives. Because of
this, we want to make sure we aren’t spending extravagantly, socializing
irresponsibly or eating and drinking excessively.
Basically, the “3” energy says, “Go out and have fun! Just
don’t do anything, buy any item or indulge in any way you are going to regret.”
So that is really great! However, the number 3 also carries
a secondary energy – this is one that is more about personal truths. This
energy tells us that we will be doing some serious evaluation of ourselves, of
our associates, and of our lives - all before
the close of the month. The purpose of this evaluation is to reassess our
personal direction.
The “3” energy tells us we can expect to take a long hard
look on where we have been this year. It suggests our focus will be more on our
accomplishments rather than our disappointments. The 3-energy of December
suggests we will be content with our progress in 2016. If we could, we’d be
patting ourselves on our backs.
However, it’s important to remember that the overall energy
of 2016 is a 9 – which is about release, detachment and forgiveness. With that
in mind, we are finishing up a year where we have been releasing things that
need to go, and are now at the precipice of a bright, new tomorrow.
And, being that December is a “3” personal truths month, it
suggests we may find that there are still some lingering issues or remaining
clutter that must be released before we begin 2017.
If we are honest with ourselves, we will already know what
these issues are, because they are things we’ve been working on during this
9-year. This is like cleaning a house where you do a final sweep to collect those
last little dust-bunnies hiding in the dark corners or tucked under the beds.
So, what might that clutter be? It can be anything that
holds us back from what we desire most.
These things might be:
Out-dated ways of
thinking. This is about being afraid to try. It’s about being afraid to
be vulnerable and it’s about being afraid to leave our comfort zones. This is a
big one, and is probably the most important shift that needs to be made before
2016 ends.
So what do we do? First, we shift your thoughts from
“I can’t” to “I will”. We start believing in our own personal power, and become
willing to try new things – things that previously frightened us. It’s about
embracing new opportunities and expanding our interests with a sense of
excitement and adventure. It’s making the decision to take a chance because we
have finally realized the truth behind, “If not now, then when?”
Unproductive ways
of living. This includes passively living our lives waiting for things
to get better. It includes tolerating mediocrity or even unhappiness because we
feel powerless to change an undesirable situation. It is the willingness to
accept a scenario because it seems too hard to shift it in another direction.
It is about hiding in pipedreams and promises of false tomorrows to get us
through the frustrations of today.
So what do we do? We become a doer instead of a
dreamer. We identify a plan to create the life we want and have the courage to
take the first step. After that, we have the courage to take the next step and
so-on and so-on.
habits around eating, entertaining, socializing or recreating. This one
is for everyone who wants to take better care of that temple which houses our beautiful
soul. Our bodies are an amazing gift from the Universe. Our body is meant to
help us manifest our soul’s desire. It is meant to help us experience the wonderful
pleasures and opportunities only available on this earth plane. But, our bodies
are meant to be respected, and certainly not meant to be abused.
So what do we do? We need to show our bodies some
love. We must treat them with the consideration they deserve. Let’s show our
bodies we respect them by eating better to give our bodies the fuel it needs to
thrive. We should cut back on the processed foods and sugar-laden products. We
ought to get out and move – take a walk, stretch every day, find a physical
activity we enjoy doing. We must let our bodies play. In addition, it’s
important to give our bodies plenty of rest and cut back on abusive habits like
drinking, smoking, over-eating and reckless hobbies.
peripheral relationships. Let’s be real. There are people around us
everyday we feel we have to tolerate because somehow they have managed to
become ingrained in our everyday life. We know who these people are. They are
boundary-challenged friends who get in our business because they say they “care
about us.” The truth is they get in our business because… well…. they don’t
have boundaries or are trying to distract themselves from their own issues.
Other times, these people are are the loud-mouth know-it-alls/top-it-alls who
constantly have an answer for everything or a story that trumps every other one
at social gatherings. These people are
particularly tough to deal with because all we really want to do is call them
on their BS and tell them to shut up. But we can’t – for a variety of reasons –
so we just sit quietly as they dominate the gathering with their delusional
verbal reverie. Some times these people come dressed as takers, energy vampires
and the drama-laden screw ups who always need your attention, assistance or
advice. They are exhausting – not because they are bad people – but because the
energy they unintentionally siphon from us on a regular basis interferes with
our ability to do other things. However they appear, these people often come
disguised as friends, relatives and colleagues.
So what do we do? A good course of action is to erect
subtle, yet powerful barriers of our own. We can still maintain the Golden Rule
when interacting with the individuals, but we an also begin to distance ourselves. For
instance, we can make ourselves unavailable to chat on a regular basis. We can have
a ready excuse that gets us out of their request. We can politely decline
invitations because of previous commitments. You get the point. Now, I am not
saying to cut these people completely from our lives. Rather, I am suggesting
we give ourselves permission to create some space, and protect our energy so
you can devote our attention to manifesting OUR plans, dreams and desires.
The upcoming year, 2017, promises fresh starts and new
beginnings because it is a “1” year. In order to make the most of it, we must
clear all the clutter with a proverbial spring-cleaning of our physical,
emotional, mental and spiritual house. And don’t feel bad about doing this.
It’s a necessary course of action because only when the mental, emotional,
spiritual and physical clutter is removed, can we welcome the exciting and
powerful energy of the New Year.
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