Saturday, September 16, 2017

September Encourages Us to 'Go For it''

September is all about beginnings, opportunities and re-starts. That is because the energy of the month resonates to the number 1.

The number 1 inspires creation, inception, and the planting of seeds. It is also a very assertive, dominant, and sometimes, aggressive energy. That’s because the energy of the 1 represents the bridge between idea and action, and we will feel more compelled that we have in a long time to make things happen.

Compounding this situation is the fact that the  overall feel of 2017 is also resonating to the energy of the 1 (2+0+1+7= 10/1). This means our focus will be on overdrive this month as we attempt to firmly plant the seeds to manifest some of our biggest desires and goals before the year
comes to a close.

For most of us, this means we will be working hard to inaugurate positive growth in one or more areas of our lives. These include but are not limited to home, love, career, finance, etc. 

Now this doesn’t mean we are functioning from a brand new perspective. Rather, it most likely means we are re-evaluating the efforts that were started nearly a year ago which were designed to facilitate healthy, new beginnings in our lives. These ‘starts’ could have begun anywhere from between October 2016 and February 2017.

So how do we apply this to our lives? Well here are a few ideas:

Home - Invite fresh change into your house. Initiate plans for renovations, repairs and general updates. Make contact with a reputable contractor and get estimates for either necessary or desired home improvements. Envision what it you hope to create and get excited about the possibility of new growth. Don’t have the money for the repairs right now? Explore options for how to make this happen. Implement a plan to find or raise the necessary funds.

Love - Make a special effort to open up your heart to friends, family and intimates. Set time aside in your schedule to do fun activities. Start a tradition. If you are single, join a dating service or take a friend up on that offer to set you up on a date. Who knows where it will lead but it is certain to be fun.

Career - Okay… you have been complaining about your job for far too long. It’s time to stop because that is a useless approach to problem solving. Instead, find that resume, update your information and send it out. With the number 1 energy at play this month, there are sure to be some great opportunities out there. It is up to us to find them and take advantage of them!

Finance - Don’t be surprised if some extra dough crosses your path this month. Perhaps it’s a raise. Maybe it is the result of an unexpected windfall. Use this additional cash as a way to accomplish some important financial goals. If the money doesn’t show up on its own, don’t panic. Rather sit down and review your income and expenditures. Look for ways to increase the input and decrease the output.

Overall, we are being compelled to act in September. Sitting on the sidelines would be a huge waste of a golden opportunity. The Universe wants us to start something new or re-energize an old plan or dream. And, regardless of where our efforts are placed this month, our goal is to move courageously and tenaciously in the direction of our dreams so that we can live the life we desire most. 

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