Saturday, June 10, 2017

A New Season of Thinking is Upon Us

The month of June has a very interesting energy to it. At its core, it is resonating to the ‘7’ energy. However, it is also affected by the ‘1’ Universal year energy and the baseline ‘6’ energy of the month because June is the sixth month of the year.

Soooooooo…… what does that mean for us? In a brief summary it means our thinking is changing regarding how we view our important relationships, and it suggests it is moving us in a direction that is healthiest for us.

Let me explain. The ‘7’ is a very reflective number. It suggests we may be a little lost in our head as we contemplate new ways of thinking about old concepts. Basically, we are at a point where we realize the need for fresh ideas and a fresh approach to how we have been interacting with others. We are ready to make a positive change, but don’t know exactly how to go about doing that.

This is what this June-energy is all about.

This month we can expect to be reviewing how we perceive certain people and relationships. We may contemplate some housecleaning to exorcise ourselves from some unhealthy connections.

We may also consider opening up to others and allowing new people into your lives. The Universal ‘1’ energy of the year encourages us to try new things - to plant new seeds per se.

However, most importantly, we will be reflecting on how we relate to ourselves and how we bring that person - our true inner being - out into the world. Are we comfortable with our relationship with ourselves? Is our internal dialogue positive or negative? Do we let people see who we truly are? These are the types of topics we will be pondering in June.

So, while this may not be a month of obvious outer-action, don’t worry about that because things will be speeding up in July. Right now, there is plenty of action going on inside our heads, and the conclusions we draw from these thoughts will lay the groundwork for the dynamic events that will be taking place in the next couple months.

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