Thursday, December 29, 2016

2017 - A "1" Year of New Opportunities

This upcoming year, 2017, resonates to the energy of the “1” (2+0+1+7=10/1). This is a welcomed change for many of us as 2016, which resonated to the energy of the 9 (2+0+1+6=9), brought with it the challenges that come from the harder aspects of this number - those things being endings, departures, and release. 

In 2016, we witnessed the passing of some amazingly talented individuals. We might have also lost people - although not famous - they were very near and dear to us. Some of us left relationships behind. Others of us left old ways of thinking and behaving behind. Some saw a major shift in our career and/or home life. What ever it is that we released - as painful as it was - these changes have opened new doors of possibilities that wouldn't have been an option to us if things had stayed the same. And that's where the energy of the "1" year comes in. 

The “1” year is all about new, healthy and natural beginnings. It’s also got a ‘take charge’ sense to it. We will definitely have the urge to start new things, improve our connection with others, and feel a deeper purpose to our lives. To quote Dr. Phil, these urgings will compel us to “put some verbs in our sentences.”

This will be a year of motivation for most people. There will be a desire to make things happen and a deeper appreciation for the gift of this life. We will not be content to stand on the sidelines for long. We will be tired of waiting for the perfect moment, and will choose to act in a productive manner to make things happen.

This means we may decide to start that new business we have been thinking about for a while. We may expand our social networks and connect with new friends and associates. We might feel the itch to travel and check off some of those items on our bucket list. We may begin a new career path or work to really showcase a special talent we have. We may decide to take a chance on love or become more committed to that someone special in our lives. 

Where ever we choose to make our fresh starts, know that the Universe naturally conspires to help us achieve these desires as long as they are aligned with our higher good and cause no intentional harm to another.

Tarot Associations

Magician – (Major Arcana 1) The Magician encourages us to be creative, individualistic, confident, and self-empowered. His message for the year tells us to take control of the resources around us and make the most of the opportunities presented to us. The Magician works his magic to manifest the things he desires. He does not just expect them to appear. That said, he warns us not to become too arrogant, selfish or deceptive in our practices as those energies are repellent to others, and ultimately plant bad seeds for a tainted future crop.

Wheel of Fortune – (Major Arcana 10) – The Wheel of Fortune reminds us that our destiny is a fine combination of our concerted efforts toward a goal and the fickle hand of fate. Some times the wheel turns in our favor. Other times it doesn’t. The energy of the Wheel of Fortunes tells us not to worry about the hand of fate as there is little we can do to control it. Instead, it’s best if we pursue our path according to what feels right for us, and trust that things will fall into place as they should. This card tells us not to worry ourselves with things over which we have no control and to trust in the process of life.

Ace of Cups, Pentacles, Wands, Swords – (The Four Elements) This year, we can expect to have new opportunities in the areas governed by the four elements – water/love, earth/finance, air/ideas, fire/passions and opportunities. The Aces of each suit suggest new chances, opportunities or “gifts” from the Universe. What we choose to do with them will be the deciding factor with how they develop.

For instance, the element of water tells us there may be a chance to improve/grow an existing relationship, the opportunity to begin a new one or the potential for a baby to be born.

The element of earth suggests we will have new opportunities that makes life on the earth plane better – an investment will pay off, a raise will come, a new job will be offered, an engagement may occur, or a big problem will be solved.

The element of air suggests a fresher mindset and more mental acuity. Burdens, anguish, disappointment and frustrations will be released. More productive and healthier ways of thinking will manifest. Attention will shift away from problems and our focus will be on solutions and brighter futures.

The element of fire indicates we will feel motivated to make our deepest desires come to life. We will feel passion in our bellies and there will be confidence in our action. We will also feel more motivation and energy in our daily life. Those opportunities that are seized and appreciated will produce great success.

In closing, it’s important to note that that while this New Year will present many amazing opportunities, it is up to us to take advantage of them. Without purposeful action nothing will manifest productively. So with that in mind, commit right now to make 2017 a year for which your future self will thank you!

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