Monday, November 14, 2016

Always Trust Your Powerful Intuition


Such a simple word, but such a dangerous thing – particularly because, despite what one might believe about one self, no one is above it. Including myself.

Last week, I had a powerful wake-up call. It came Wednesday morning when I turned on the news and saw the results of the presidential election. Now, let me say upfront, I am not getting political here. However, I was shocked by the news that – although he had lost the popular vote - Donald Trump had won this highly contested, and long-fought battle for the White House.
And why was I shocked? I believe it’s because I was clouded by my own bias. For reasons I won’t discuss here, I believed it was impossible for Donald Trump to win the election. Some of the reasons were fact-based. Others were purely the result of emotion. Regardless, the collision of these two elements found the former getting left in the dust.

Why does this happen you might wonder? Well, it probably has to do with the fact that there is a component to the human being that is somewhat intangible and hard to describe. It is an essence; an ethereal, spiritual energy that sits at the core of who we are. This part of us whispers important truths, while voices of the outer world scream about ill-perceived fears. Yes, our soul speaks to our mind and our emotions. It promotes courage, authenticity and truth. Unfortunately, its wisdom is often drowned out by the cacophony of our egocentric, lizard-based, survival brain.  

And that is how bias is formed.

I believe that’s what happened to me last month when I pulled the Tarotscope for November. I remember laying out the cards after asking who would win the election. When I first saw the cards, a moment of panic so fierce and paralyzing swept over me that I actually struggled for breath.

“No….” I whispered aloud, “It can’t possibly be.” For a brief moment, I actually felt fear.  But that was not to last as my lizard brain quickly took over, and I interpreted the spread – unconsciously – in a way with which I felt more comfort.

Basically, there were three cards in the spread. There was the 10 of swords in the favor position. The King of Swords was in the challenge spot and the seven of cups was in the lesson category.

Hindsight being 20-20, it is very clear what the cards were saying. Had I stayed with my initial intuitive connection, a more accurate interpretation of the King of Swords in the challenge spot would’ve interpreted a win for Donald Trump that would be a challenge to the nation – as we have seen from the protests that followed.

Unfortunately, my lizard-brain took over and interpreted things from a much more comfortable perspective for me. That interpretation saw that King of Swords in the “challenge” spot and identified him as the loser of the race because I thought he would be the one facing the challenge and that is how I wanted it to be. (Again, not getting political, just being honest.) It wasn’t a malicious move. It was a fear-based move.

So what does this all have to do with the November numerology?

Well, this November resonates to the energy of the master number 11/2. The 11/2 is all about the delicate dance between the 11 and the 2. In numerology, the 11 stands for illumination, intelligence, intuition, and ingenuity. The second part of this number, the 2, stands for partnership, cooperation, balance and support. The message for November and this master number is to merge the energies of the 11 and 2 for the good of our self and everyone around us.

But this can be very hard to do because human nature, being what it is, tends to have us operating at extremes and can have us fluctuating between what we know we should do and what we feel we want to do – which opens the door to bias.

We don’t want to do that because bias skews our perspective of how things really are and affects our ability to manifest the things we truly desire in life. The 11/2 encourages us to trust our intuition and use it to ground us as we navigate this thing called life. It assure us that regardless of the outcome everything will be okay in the end.

So, as we watch 2016 come to a close, we should seize the 11/2 energy of November to help us shift our energy into a brand new year of beginnings and fresh starts. In order to do this, we must get clear. We must connect with that intuitive and insightful part of ourselves and boldly identify the vision we would like to manifest for 2017. Now is the time to confidently embrace that 11, and believe in the power our vision. However we must operate from a place of peace, balance and stability. We can’t let biases and fears get in the way. We need to also cultivate that harmonious 2 energy so the plans we seek to manifest bring comfort to our surroundings

This month, we need to say good-bye to mental and emotional limitations that stem from our biases. We need to clearly picture what we want to create in 2017, and  believe in our ability to achieve all that we desire.

To do this most effectively, we must take stock in where we are at right now. We must decide what must we retain. We must answer what must we release. In November we are being asked to complete an honest reflection of our lives – one without bias. This is an evaluation where we step back and honestly choose to operate from a position of freedom, courage and intuitive knowing.

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