The tumultuous energy of August has people on pins and needles both in our personal spheres and our global arena. That’s because there are a few factors at play which appear to be creating a ‘perfect storm’ effect on the world.
One major astrological event is the new moon solar eclipse in Leo that will occur on August 21.
This is an extra special solar eclipse event because this is a ‘black moon’. A ‘black moon’ is an astrological event similar to a ‘blue moon’. Basically, this ‘black moon’ is the second new moon in the same astrological sign - something that is very rare. To compound it, this black moon is happening during during the fiery, combative energy of Leo, and will create a complete solar eclipse across the main body of the United States.
So what does this mean for us? Well, it’s the darkness before the dawn. New moons usher in new ideas, new possibilities and new beginnings. That’s good, right? However, many people despise change - both personally and in general. This is especially true if they live in a comfortable “don’t-move-my-cheese” approach to thinking. Because of this, one would be foolish to think these kind of big opportunities for change will happen without some sort of push-back.
And, this push-back has been happening since early in August. To add more fuel to this proverbial fire, these changes will be happening internally - within the individual (that’s you and me) who is looking for ways to improve one’s life. We will become aware that the way things are operating now, may be somewhat dysfunctional and in need of an overhaul.
This push-back will also be happening externally. The behavior of people close to us may suddenly appear a bit squirrelly. Or, the squirrelly-ness that was once tolerable, exacerbates and becomes particularly annoying. The key here is to try and be patient. We must try to understand that this person (or these people) are having that same disconcerting awakening within themselves that we ourselves are feeling. Instead of frustration, we should try to find a compassionate common ground if possible. If not, we should walk away (at least temporarily) to avoid serious conflicts which could cause permanent damage.
Finally, this push-back will come globally. It’s as if the world is on the verge of a great epiphany about how we want to live, and about what type of future we want to create for our children. The moral compass is moving, we must do our part to see it swings in the direction of cooperation, tolerance, acceptance and love.
Which leads me to the numerological energy for the month of August. It’s the number 9.
This is an emotional, spiritual, compassionate number. It’s a number that brings completion, endings and healing. This month, we are being encouraged to manifest that ‘9’ energy in our lives. This means being a true humanitarian. It’s about cultivating a connection to others regardless of color, orientation, religion and even species. It’s about recognizing the divine energy that exists in all creation, and being kind to all living beings simply because they have as much right to be here as we do.
Once we have mastered that task, our second step is to practice the ‘9’ lesson of detachment. This means choosing to release all that is destructive to or interferes with healthy forward motion. And, this starts with us. This month, we must work to connect with others while at the same time releasing any anger, resentment or perceived slights against us so we can move forward to the new beginnings waiting for us in the ‘1’ month of September.
However, if you can’t do that because you are just not ready, then at least do no harm. Instead, as I mentioned earlier, walk away (at least temporarily) to avoid serious conflicts which could cause permanent damage.