Thursday, January 5, 2017

No Drama for Us in January!

This month we can expect our attention will be squarely on the activities and situations that bring balance to our lives. That’s because the month of January 2017, resonates to the energy of the number 2.

The “2” energy is all about cooperation, peace and solutions. This is a very gentle number that encourages strength through partnership, service and unity.  That means in January we will be putting all our effort into those scenarios that bring us harmony. Conversely, we will be releasing anything that interferes with our desire for this type of genuine contentment.

For what it is worth, this is nothing new for us. For the entire year of 2016, we have been working to release those things in our life that must go. This was especially true in December 2016 – a month that resonated to the energy of the 3. In December, we actually began to consciously make the decision to release anything not aligned to our personal truths. And in a continuation of that thinking, we will actively search for connections that bring deeper meanings.

So, how do we do this? Here are some quick and easy tips for aligning ourselves with the energy of the month.

1.     Develop a gratitude practice. The Law of Attraction promises us that, “The things on which we put your attention expand” So, why not put our attention on the things that make life pleasant? Every morning, let’s promise to greet the day and thank it for all the wonderful things that will be coming to us. At the end of the day, before we go to bed, let’s silently thank the Universe for three things, people or events that made our day better. Do this daily. (Note – make sure to cite new scenarios each evening.)

2.     Make it a point to reach out to others daily. This doesn’t mean we have to call everyone, everyday. Instead, every day, let’s make it a point to give one person special attention. This should be someone who we like already or someone we think we’d like to get to know better. It doesn’t have to be a detailed conversation, either. We can start by complimenting them on a talent they have. Or, maybe we can ask them about their family, job or interests. We should let them know we appreciate them for something they have done or something that makes them unique. (Note – it is important to reach out to someone who will appreciate the connection and will benefit from the interaction. Stay away from ‘Debbie-Downers’ who won’t engage or can’t accept a compliment.)

3.     Identify a passion that exists within us and pursue it. Now, before you say, “I have no deep passion…” I say, “Hogwash!! Everyone has a passion – even if it is just a gentle, flickering ember.” Maybe we have a desire to have stronger friendships If so, we can target the people we’d like to be better friends with, and initiate positive contact. Maybe we have a special love for nature. Then, we can connect in this arena more. We can go for a walk on a nature trail – or even through our neighborhood. We can look up and notice the trees, the sky, the floating clouds, and the birds in the air. What about animals? Maybe we wish we could connect more with animals? If that’s the case, why not volunteer at a shelter, assist a neighbor with their pets, or visit a friend who has animals and spend some quality time there. Perhaps there is a talent we would like to further cultivate? In that case we can go on the web and search the topic locally. There has got to be a class, program or meet-up available that will help us expand our skills in this area.

So, this month we can expect to feel a greater desire for balance and connection to our authentic selves. We can also anticipate a greater sense of connection to others and the Universe as a whole. We shouldn’t be surprised if we feel committed to making a positive impact in our world during 2017,  and feel a greater desire to connect with humanity through service and problem-solving. As long as we know that cooperation, gentleness, practicality and gracefulness are the qualities that will facilitate helpful connections to the most important people and situations in our lives, we will ultimately fill ourselves – and the world around us – with peace.